Saturday, 3 December 2011

Book Porn

This is a wonderful site I found earlier.

E-books can never do this:

or this:

There are many more beautiful examples here:


  1. I know I'm going to end up regretting asking for a kindle for Christmas...

  2. Yes, yes you will! But, I used one the other day for a few minutes, for the first time ever, and I was really delighted by how easy they are to use.

    As for kindles specifically: so many people do not realise what a kinle actually is/does. amazon seriously need to work on that. Lots of people think you can buy kindles from waterstone's. Ha! That's like buying drugs from a rehab centre.

    Kindles/e-readers should def be aimed at older people more - people are always saying to me (in the bookshop) that they want books with larger print, and I think that's one area where e-publishers are far more savvy than book publishers.

    But, for as long as they are black and white, they'll be a bit naff to me. How hard would it be to make them colour?

  3. I can tell the colour thing will bug me in the sense there is no way I would read a magazine without colour. Books however, probably not going to bother me so much!
    Aren't Waterstones doing their own version? Or is that WH Smith? I'm sure I saw a kindle equivalent being advertised somewhere.
    Ah well will have to see how I get on with it once it arrives. Hopefully I won't regret it too much!

  4. Yep, 'stones will be doing one in the new year, and smiths have already released 'KOBO'. Adverts on the tube look good - they have really emphasised the changeable font size function, which I think will be a bit determinant in its success. not sure about colour though.

    Predictably, there will be an entry on the waterstone's one in the not too far away future.
